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I am you 360 looks for funding to complete second set of tiny homes

September 2023

 I am you 360 is hoping to get ten more young adults who aged out of foster care, or are unhoused, into a permanent space by the end of the year.

This can’t happen until they raise $114,000 to finish final repairs and provide residents with a safe place to grow.

Heat the turkey, not the conversation: Surviving a post-election holiday

November 2022

With elections barely in the rearview mirror, you can expect your Thanksgiving turkey to come with a side of your favorite controversial topics: Election security, abortion and the economy.
While Americans might be tempted to discuss politics while passing the gravy this Thanksgiving, experts remind them that food is the only thing that should be heated at the holiday dinner table.

Food banks get lesson in economics: More demand, less supply, higher prices

November 2022

Arizona food banks head into the holiday season having to buy more food, at higher prices, for more clients, with fewer donations to help them pay for it.
When they can get food at all.


Catherine Cortez Masto wins Nevada race against Adam Laxalt, cementing Democratic control of Senate

November 2022

Democrats will retain control of the U.S. Senate after incumbent Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nev., prevailed in a nail-biting race against Republican challenger Adam Laxalt. The nation's first Latina senator, Cortez Masto was widely regarded as the Senate's most vulnerable incumbent Democrat, with national Republicans identifying her seat as the party's best chance to flip

After several tries, Prop 211 backers hope to shine a light on ‘dark money’

November 2022

Proposition 211 would amend the state’s campaign finance law to publicize what Goddard calls the millions in “dark money” spending on political ads by groups seeking to influence voters without having to identify themselves.

Prop 132 called both rational tax safeguard, anti-democratic power play

October 2022

When Arizona voters approved a measure in 2020 that would have increased school funding by raising income taxes on higher earners, they did so by a comfortable 52-48% margin. That was too comfortable for supporters of Proposition 132 on this fall’s ballot, which would require any initiative that raises taxes to get approved by at least 60% of voters to pass.


‘You never forget’: Honoring Arizona’s veterans one flight at a time

October 2023

 Honor flights have been flying nationally since 2005, with local “hubs” scattered across the country. Costs for the flights – or missions, as the organizers call them – are funded through donations to the hubs, with veterans making the trip at no cost to themselves. The Arizona hub was organized in 2008 and the first flight took off for Washington in 2009. This week’s flight was the 93rd from the Arizona hub, which claims to have sent more than 2,000 veterans to D.C.

DACA suffers another court setback, but program remains in place for now

October 2023

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‘Good Samaritan’ bill aims to allow cleanup of abandoned, leaking mines

September 2023

Arizona could have as many as 100,000 abandoned mines, many leaching toxic minerals into the state’s waterways, but state environmental officials said cleanup has been hampered by the fear of litigation.

Summit of the Americas(RVA)-39.jpg

July 2022

A Willem de Kooning painting stolen from the University of Arizona Museum of Art in 1985 is back on public display in Los Angeles. The Getty Center spent three years restoring “Woman-Ochre,” which was heavily damaged during the theft. The painting will return to Tucson this fall.

The reality of migrant sex work in Tapachula, Mexico

July 2022

To survive while their journeys are stalled in Tapachula, Mexico, many migrant women turn to sex work. They face abuse, poor pay and lack of access to sexual and reproductive health care.

Biden announces regional migration initiative at Summit of the Americas

June 2022

President Joe Biden previewed a new migration initiative during the opening of the Ninth Summit of the Americas, calling it a mutual commitment to orderly migration throughout the Western Hemisphere. (Photo by Reece Andrews/Cronkite News)

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